Screepy story while surfing the dark web

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JUST A CREEPY STORY, Once while surfing the dark web (will make this short) all of a sudden my printer spit out a piece of paper. Thought it was odd, so I inspected the paper, at first I saw absolutely nothing, then I spied - in the smallest print possible (did not even know my printer could print that small or that close to the margin) way up in the top margin it said "look out the window, I'm watching you". I freaked out, unplugged my computer and printer, reinstalled OS and etc. programs. Of course I looked out the window, slowly, then remembered where I was - impossible for anyone to be there, with all the dogs, fences , atop a hill, and the acreage to cross + the amount of time I was on the dark web it was just impossible for anyone to be there. CREEPY though.


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