An impact of big data on cyber security

Although current industry statistics may seem somewhat intimidating, data science experts and big data enthusiasts are excited and prepared for a future that's becoming increasingly connected to the web. Some techniques used to harness this raw information, such as data mining, help give us an insight into the future of cyber security and what areas may pique interest moving forward.

Precursors for the future

Unlike the various television personalities that claim to foresee the future and tragedies in our lives, big data gives us a real-world insight into the current state of affairs. When processing the data from large social media platforms, we begin to notice various trends and key interest points within the population. As a brief example: When political or governmental movements begin to occur in a certain country, we notice a movement in the general consensus of that population favoring one side of the argument as opposed to another.

Similarly, when we notice an uprising popularity in certain pieces of technology , we can use this information as a forecast in terms of where to focus our cybersecurity applications. Security breaches have a notorious reputation for being relatively random, spontaneous and out of the ordinary. However, when we properly analyze the data being produced by these platforms, we can be a step ahead of the curve in terms of preparation and security software implementation that protects the user's' personal data.

Real-Time monitoring of secured systems

Another benefit that big data provides in the realm of cybersecurity is the ability to monitor and track systems, usually contained within the cloud, for irregularities and potential breaches. Cloud Security Information and Event Management (CSIEM) allows users to safely transmit and store their private information and files without fear of falling victim to a cyber attack.

The way the system works is by implementing a complex series of imprints within a file that can be monitored in real time in order to protect a user from nefarious outsiders that wish to compromise our data. Cybersecurity professionals at Blue Coat Systems and even Symantec use this as the Gold Standard in terms of protection from outside attacks.

Think of this particular technology as the fingerprints on our hands. These fingerprints can be monitored and analyzed to ensure our safety and the integrity of our identity during key moments. Similarly, the CSIEM framework gives us a detailed description of the events that have taken place in the form of log files. These log files can be used at a later time to authenticate the validity of certain events and can pinpoint areas of interest should a cybersecurity breach occur.

Safety and security for the masses

Big data, among other blooming technologies, keeps the masses safe in an ever-growing world of complexity and technicality. Looking into the future we can see more of our actions losing the physical aspect of social interaction and moving to a digital realm where professionals are needed to protect and serve. It is likely that we will see more companies like Blue Coat emerge as big data continues to boom and there is a greater need to protect it.

Imagine the beauty of a future filled with technologies that not only make our lives easier, but warn us in advance for areas that can easily be compromised. Big data is not only a new technology, it will become the framework in which task management, workflow management software, social interactions and internal operations function on in the future of our ever-growing marketplace.


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